Posts tagged Dogs
Ask The Right Questions: How To Choose An RV To Live In Full-Time

Choosing an RV to become your full-time home is a very personal decision and process. But if you’re reading this, you’re probably like us - eager to live outside the norms of stationary society, and even of the traditional RV community. My goal with this post is to help get you get started with some key questions about road life and lead you to ask yourself specific, tailored questions.

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Living On The Road With Dogs: FAQ

A lot of questions come up when people find out we live on the road in 200 sq. ft. with two dogs. Below are answers to some of those questions.

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White Sands National Monument Hiking & Backpacking Tips

The dunes at White Sands National Monument aren’t formidable. They don’t cause a quick gasp of breath the way Great Sand Dunes National Park do. But they are one of our favorite places that we have visited.

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Speleothems Of Carlsbad Caverns National Park

Photos can't capture what it feels like to stand hundreds of feet underground looking at the most implausible things you’ve probably ever seen in real life. Put Carlsbad Caverns National Park on your list of parks to visit!

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Revisiting Banff National Park

I was super excited to go back to Banff National Park. The first time Jerud and I visited was in 2010 and we had an absolute blast. It’s a trip we still talk about to this day. While there we fell in love with the area, so much that during a conversation with locals we met on a trail we asked about the job market in the area.

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Living In 218 Sq. Ft. With Three Others

We don’t write a lot about the personal aspects of living in an RV and on the road: How do we actually feel about it? How is it living in a small space with each other, Tybee and Tyki? But it’s time. It’s time to move beyond the glacial peaks, turquoise lakes, wildflower filled single track, and moon-like red rocks. There’s more to our lives and living on the road than that.

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Snow Trip To Jackson

Every year we fly out west somewhere to go snowboarding. The last two winters the annual trips didn’t happen because we were rebuilding the Toaster. But this year we made it happen. It’s Andrew second winter in Jackson and we decided to meet there.

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Misadventures: Our First Time Packrafting

Going through my photos to pull some together for a post I was going to work on, I came across pictures from the first trip we took the Alpacka Raft on. I realized that I never wrote a post about it. From the title of this post you can guess how it went, but I encourage you to keep reading because you may learn a thing or two from our mistakes. If not, no worries, we’ll read this and be reminded to not make the same mistakes again!

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