How Can We Afford Lithium Batteries?

Every time I come across RVers who have switched to lithium batteries, the first question that comes to mind is: how the heck can they afford lithium batteries? It’s no secret that they are expensive! Lithium batteries can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $8,000. So then, how the hell did we afford them?

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The Unexpected: Stewart, BC & Hyder, Alaska

There’ve been a few places, since living in the Toaster, that have totally caught us off-guard. It’s the kind of unexpectedness where a breath gets caught on its way in.

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Sustainable Toothpastes: Hello Vs. Tom's Of Maine

So what happens when you email a company telling them why you chose not to buy their product? In this particular case, I ended up exchanging emails with the CEO of the company. Not what I was expecting. But it helped me decide between using Hello or Tom's of Maine products.

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